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Let me tell you the story of Jari.

Once there was a Finnish redneck named Jari who lived in a small village in the countryside. Jari was a simple man, who loved nothing more than to spend his days out on the lake, rowing his boat and fishing for his dinner.

One day, Jari decided that he was going to go out and catch himself some fresh, raw fish for dinner. He loaded up his boat with all of his fishing gear and set off across the lake, determined to catch the biggest, juiciest fish he could find. As he rowed out onto the lake, Jari couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. He knew that the waters of the lake were teeming with all sorts of delicious fish, and he was determined to catch as many as he could.

But as the day wore on, Jari found himself coming up empty-handed. No matter where he looked, he couldn't seem to find a single fish. He tried every trick in the book, using every bait and lure he had in his tackle box, but still he came up empty. As the sun began to set, Jari realized that he was going to have to return home without any fish for dinner. Disappointed but not defeated, he packed up his gear and headed back to shore. As he rowed back to the village, Jari couldn't help but feel a little bit down. He had been so sure that he would catch a big, juicy fish for dinner, but it seemed that the lake just wasn't cooperating.

But as he approached the shore, Jari saw something that made him smile. There, waiting for him on the dock, was his wife and children, who had prepared a big, hearty meal of sausages and potatoes for him. Jari was overjoyed to see his loved ones, and he sat down to eat with them, grateful for their love and support. As he ate, he knew that even though he had come home empty-handed, he still had everything that truly mattered in life.

As you can see Jari was completely insane. This is due to him interacting with the dangerous being known as "family". In this case they managed to distact Jari from the important things in life, A.K.A fish eating.